Friday, October 30, 2009


Kent, Sherri, Gordon


Upper Spokane...

Gorilla Boating!!!! Pics soon.


Upper Spokane

Intro to Kayak Class


Drew, Matt, Dustin, Mike H., Gordon, and a class of Joes

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Upper Spokane

Sherri, Duke, Kent, Gordon

Sweet Surf Sesh! Will post videos later.


Sunday, October 25, 2009


Upper Spokane


Drew, Gordon, Sherri

good times, super hung over from the OYC party last night, almost ralphed after spinning too many times, wasn't a good roller.


Afternoon Lower Spokane run

Curtis, Rachel, Gordon

2200? cfs

Rachel is a new person to the Spokane boating community, solid paddler in a tiny playboat.


Lower Spokane


Drew, Duke, Gordon

Fun!! Ran the toenail center-right line with tight left turn hole punch maneuver, wicked sweet. Drew says I can say I run the toenail now.


Upper Spokane

Meagan, Sherri, Duke, Gordon


I almost got ated by Sullivan


Upper Spokane

Sherri, Jillian, and Gordon


an impromptu midday bad news coping paddle :-)

Sunday, October 18th

Priest River!! (Double Run)

CFS 2600

Sherri, Duke, Kent, Curtis, Megan, Gordon, Jillian, Terry, Susan, Pat, Ken, Doug, Chris, and Bob

This was our "goodbye Duke and Sherri" trip. It was awesome! This was our first time on the Priest. It is a short, fast run, so if you go, you gotta do a couple runs in a row. There is only one major rapid, called Bernard's Rapid. The clean run is right-center. There are two room-sized holes on the left-center run, but they are doable.

We had a great barbecue afterwords : ).

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Upper Spokane

Gordon, Scooter, Kent, Sherri


Good times, Scoot swam at sullivan lol


Upper with the RCLS intro class.

Dustin, Sean, Gordon, Matt instructed

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Lower Spokane


Drew, Curtis, Gordon

Good run, went in the Karnali which I love. Ran the Toenail. Very fast right now on the right side.


Salmon River

Mill Wave on Friday, Upper Middle on Sat ending with a surf at Hippy, Lower Middle on Sunday to Chair Creek.

Drew, Gordon, Leah, Brett, Curtis, Mike H, Dustin, Tim, Mike H, Matt Chase, Steve and Christy, Kent and Hoppe.

Good times, Saved Hoppe a ton. Drew had a swim at Hippy.


Upper Spokane

Sullivan - Mirabu

Helped with Matt's intro to kayak class

Drew, Matt, Dustin, Mike H, Gordon, Georgia, the Johns, Joe the intern, Kara... some others

1400 cfs

Monday, October 12, 2009

October 11th, 2009

Upper Spokane, Barker Bridge to Sullivan Park
1540 cfs (yay it went up! [barely])

Sherri Warner and Jillian

Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold!! It was about 49 degress outside. We stayed warm while on the river, but when we got out, changed, and loaded our boats up, I thought my fingers were going to freeze right off! I must remember to bring warm, dry glove to put on after boating from now on.

Sullivan Wave is pretty delicious right now, but as cold as it is, it's hard to want to stay and surf for long.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Drew and Gordon


Lower Spokane Pooh Plant to Pleas Flats

Went in the Ammo :-)


Intermediate class,


Upper Spokane

Brett, Drew, Sherri, Matt, Dustin, Mike, Leah, Tim, Kent, Gordon

October 5th, 2009

Upper Spokane River, Barker Bridge to Sullivan Park
Drew, Megan, Duke, Sherri, Gordon, & Jillian
1500 CFS

Our first time in our new Pyranha boats!! Gordon paddled his new Karnali and Jill paddled her new Ammo. We loved them! Were on the river until it got dark.

Went out for beer and pizza at Benneditos afterwards. : )

Monday, October 5, 2009

October 4th, 2009

Upper Spokane--Barker to Sullivan
1500 cfs
Drew, Curtis, and Jillian

A beautiful, sunny, windy day. It was very chilly, but we dressed for it. We're all still looking forward to a couple more 100 cfs.

Friday, October 2, 2009

The Uppper Spokane 10/01/09

CFS: 1500ish? Felt a little higher than it has been in awhile. We are maybe losing hope in the CFS readings....

Barker to Sullivan
John Henry, Leah, Gordon, Jillian, Duke

A very nice run!! It was cold, but we were dressed for it this time. Flora was an absolute dream. Sullivan is a bit steep at this level (whatever the hell the level is...) but should even out and become delicious with a few more hundred CFS.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Upper Spokane River

Barker to Sullivan
09/29/09 Tuesday
CFS: I don't know, maybe around 1500, but it all seems the same right now: Bony as hell! (but fun!)

Leah, Gordon, Jillian

John ran our shuttle for us and rode his bike along the Centennial Trail taking photos. Will post them if I ever get ahold of them (ahem, ahem).

Oh, and it was very cold! My first run where it actually felt like fall. It's time to up the gear, that's for sure.